COVID-19 exposed a critical risk for countries dependent on overseas imports for food supplies. The breakdown of global supply chain systems during the pandemic left countries vulnerable to food shortages, one that we experienced acutely when people rushed to the grocery store to stock up on supplies during lockdowns. Images of empty supermarket racks are deeply etched in many people’s minds, as we realised how fragile our supply to resources can be.
In high urban density countries like Singapore, securing our food supplies is essential to a sustainable and self-sufficient future. Without an abundance of land resources, we have to turn to alternatives such as indoor farming to meet our food resource demands.
Indoor farming has come a long way since it’s early inception, with technologies now mature enough to deliver consistent results and help farmers automate processes. At Leaptron, we recognise the importance of indoor farming to the future of urban development. As such, we’ve incorporated the latest indoor farming technologies to our portfolio, so that we can be of service to local farmers who are looking to transform their operations to an indoor model.
Here are some of the key technologies that farmers will require as they set up their indoor farms.
LED lighting
To create a conducive environment for crop growth, one of the factors farmers have to consider is the amount of sunlight their crops are receiving.
LED lights are a great alternative to resolve the lack of sunlight in an indoor environment, while also providing farmers with more customisation options for optimal crop growth. Farmers can adjust colour, intensity, and duration of the LED lights to fit each crop type, and no longer have to be subjected to unpredictable weather elements.
Furthermore, LED lights are known to consume less energy than traditional light bulbs, helping farmers to reduce energy costs at the farm.
Dosing systems
Water is another critical factor in farming. Automated dosing systems enables farmers to time the delivery of water to their crops, and even measure other components such as pH levels, EC levels, water temperature, and nutrient concentration. This gives farmers greater control over how much nutrients they are delivering to prevent any imbalances that can result in plant shock. It gives farmers greater visibility as well, on the different factors that may be affecting crop growth and yield.
Sterilisation systems
A cleaner and more sustainable way of eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses in crops is the use of UV sterilisation. Traditional farms rely on pesticides to kill harmful substances, which unfortunately causes significant damage to the environment and animal habitats. UV lights are a chemical-free way of destroying microorganisms that are pests to the crops.
To find out more about our indoor farming solutions, please contact us at to get connected with an experienced consultant.